Pastel Pictures | Heathland Birches
These birch and larch stand behind a swampy patch of heathland [singlepic id=52 ]Heathland Birches 60cm x 80cm approx
Continue reading →These birch and larch stand behind a swampy patch of heathland [singlepic id=52 ]Heathland Birches 60cm x 80cm approx
Continue reading →I’ve reordered the gallery to show the latest image first – this after being frustrated with other peoples galleries showing the oldest work first. Oldest first is fine when visiting a show, this helps understand an artist’s development – but … Continue reading →
I’ve gone for a summery feel in this image, this reflects my feelings about a break in the weather, and is a reminder that summer isn’t all hot, balmy weather. [singlepic id=49 ]Breaking 80cm x 60cm approx
Continue reading →This has a more summery feel than my earlier offerings, I really enjoyed the way the foreground was deeply shaded, with the light falling on the middle ground. [singlepic id=51 ]Walk into Evening 60cm x 80cm approx
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